Myella Farm Stay

Most people think that Aussies do nothing but spend their time on the coast, living the life on the beach. I was certainly one of these people, but travelling around Australia has opened my mind to see just how diverse the land down under is. My stay at Myella Farm certainly  awakened my newfound knowledge and showed me what it’s like to live on a cattle farm in the Australian Outback.



Upon arriving, I quickly realized just how precious water is to farm owners. Don’t let the greenery in the pictures I’ve shown fool you, I just happened to be at the farm during an abnormally wet season. This very dry climate means that Australian cattle farmers have to own and maintain absurd amounts of land to ensure each cow has enough food. Speaking of nourishing the cows, at the farm I actually got to feed the baby cows through a bottle.

Quite possibly the best part of the farm was the kangaroos and I don’t just mean the wild kangaroos hopping around. The farm owners had rescued a baby kangaroo whose mother was hit by a car. They named her Roxy and will raise her until she is strong enough to be in the wild on her own. Roxy loved being held in her pouch and so this meant that most of my time at the farm was spent cuddling her.


Horse back riding was also available at the farm, but unfortunately my horse allergy didn’t like the idea of that. So instead I walked around the horse pastures photographing them.

Later in the day, the farm owners drove us out to the perfect spot to watch the sunset. It was stunning, the setting sun illuminated the pasture with warm hints of orange and gold.


Yours truly,


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